1st Grade through 9th Grade
As parents and guardians, you are the primary examples and teachers of the Catholic faith to your children. To support families, we offer a parish religious education program (PREP) and sacramental preparation for all children. Our role is to further develop your child’s knowledge of their faith and to nurture their personal relationship with God.
“First Reconciliation” and “First Holy Communion” when child has reached 2nd grade level, they will be making these next two sacraments. In addition to sessions there will be 2 workshops for parents/guardians and children to attend. Both workshops will be held on a Sunday before the 10:00 AM Mass.
Here at St. Bernard of Montjoux Parish when a child has reached 9th grade level, they will have the opportunity to make their Confirmation.
Faith Formation events are only a part of your child's growing in faith process. You can support and encourage your child by:
The registration fee for the faith formation program: $20 for children in grade levels 1 through 5. Grade levels 6 through 8 is $25 and grade level 9 are $30. The fees help to cover the cost of food and supplies. If this amount poses a problem, please just let me know. When paying by check please make check payable to St. Bernard’s Church.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call Mrs. Marcia Bugbee at (518) 891-4616 or by e-mail at saranaclakedre@rcdony.org.